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Youth/Adult Library Services

Resources for Public Library Youth Services Staff

Programming Tracker

Maryann Niles, the NH State Library State Data Coordinator has created a helpful Programming Tracker to keep track of all those programming statistics your library is required to report yearly. Copy and save the file to your computer to use. Thank You Maryann!

Every Library Institute: Parent Perceptions of Book Bans, Materials Selection, and Reading in School Libraries and Public Libraries 2024

Book Resumes

Unite Against Book Bans, in collaboration with the publishing community, is unveiling a free collection of book résumés at to support librarians, educators, parents, students, and other community advocates in their efforts to keep frequently challenged books on shelves.

Created in partnership with dozens of publishers and with information provided by publishers, librarians, and School Library Journal, Unite Against Book Bans book résumés are easy-to-print documents designed to help support readers’ access to books that are targeted by censors. Each book résumé summarizes the book’s significance and educational value, including a synopsis, reviews from professional journals, awards, accolades, and more. Where possible, the book résumés also include information about how a title has been successfully retained in school districts and libraries after a demand to censor the book. These documents are in a PDF format that can be downloaded and printed for easy sharing with administrators, book review committees, and the public at board meetings.

New Futures

New Futures is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that advocates, educates, and collaborates to improve the health and wellness of all New Hampshire residents through policy change.

Thank you to those who were able to join the training on 6/27/23! Here is the link to the recording.

Here is link to the folder with a copy of the slides and various resources to help you with your advocacy.

Please fill out this evaluation form of the training if you have not already.

If you are interested in receiving action alerts from New Futures on certain issues we work on, please fill out the linked form.

Thank you again, and do not hesitate to reach out with questions now or in the future!

Jess Wojenski

Training Manager

New Futures
100 North Main Street, 4th Floor | Concord, NH

Office: (603) 225-9540 Ext. 117

NewFuturesNH | @NewFuturesNH | Make a Gift

Virtual Privacy Lab



Learn about privacy topics and generate a custom privacy toolkit geared towards your online needs. Toolkits include links, tips, and resources that empower you to customize your online identity. Email or print your privacy toolkit for future use.


Choose Privacy Everyday - ALA

Employee Evaluation Form Examples

The evaluation of the library director in most NH libraries is the responsibility of the Board of Trustees, who should have policies in place for this process, connecting it to the appropriate job description. See NHLTA for more info & forms:


Library Staff Evaluations: 

Performance Evaluations: What Not to Do

7 Modern & Actionable Performance Appraisal Methods 

This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the New Hampshire State Library.