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Youth/Adult Library Services

Resources for Public Library Youth Services Staff

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

November 20, 2024



Northeast Summit on Climate Adaption For Library Facilities


Library GreenScapes: Cultivating Climate Resilience, Community, and Learning Outdoors

Date: Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Time:  1 PM – 2:30 PM ET


Register now to attend!

No matter the size or the setting, landscapes around libraries can transform from a challenge to an opportunity for enhancing resilience and imparting knowledge. Professional landscape architect Lisa Giersbach from Massachusetts-based G2 Collaborative will discuss planning, implementing, and maintaining a landscape that meets sustainability, resilience, and education goals from the landscape architect’s perspective. Our panel of library directors, Margaret Woodruff of the Charlotte Public Library (VT), Jill DiPaolo of the Lewes Public Library (DE), and Kate Gomes of the Holbrook Public Library (MA) will discuss successes in fundraising for and creating spaces for community enrichment and enhanced resilience.


This event is part of the Northeast Summit on Climate Adaptation for Library Facilities, a collaboration of the State Libraries from Maine to Maryland. This webinar was planned by the Delaware Division of Libraries, the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners, and the Massachusetts Library System.



2024 Social Emotional Librarianship Survey

Civics: Get Engaged. Get Involved.

Why Civic Education is Important?

Civic education empowers us to be well-informed, active citizens and gives us the opportunity to change the world around us. It is a vital part of any democracy, and equips ordinary people with knowledge about our democracy and our Constitution.  Civics Academy

New Hampshire Civics programs help people understand how democracy works, how to find the facts, and how to be good and active citizens. Committed to non-partisanship, they believe people of varied perspectives and ages deserve high-quality information, hands-on learning that lasts, and a confidence that their voice matters.

In 2022, the Goffstown Public Library Community Conversations series focused on Civics: Get Engaged. Get Involved. The series was an investigation on how citizens can and should work together to solve public problems. For an extensive list of book and web resources on civics--see their Community Conversation web page


Civics 101 is the podcast about how our democracy works…or is supposed to work, anyway.



The Better Arguments Project is a national civic initiative created to help bridge divides – not by papering over those divides but by helping people have better arguments.

Three dimensions and five principles of a Better Argument.

These resources are designed to help you learn more about the Better Arguments framework, and to help you put these principles into practice. 


Our Democracy - a toolkit brought to you by Reading Rockets with support from the Park Foundation with books and activities all about our government voting and voting rights, and active citizenship for children 6-10 years old.

Students are confused about how to evaluate online information. We all are. The COR curriculum provides free lessons and assessments that help you teach students to evaluate online information that affects them, their communities, and the world.

Let's Go - Support Healthy Choices

Let’s Go! is a community engagement initiative working with communities to create environments that support healthy choices. Evidence-based strategies are used to promote policy, systems, and environmental changes that facilitate healthy eating and active living (HEAL) in early care and education programs, schools, out-of-school programs and health care practices in Maine and Carroll County, New Hampshire. Out-of-School programs (OOS), like public libraries, support children and youth when they are not in school. The staff at OOS programs can establish healthy environments that encourage healthy habits. The Let’s Go! program is flexible and can be easily woven into your organization, whether a school-based, drop-in center, etc. 

Youth Financial Education

If you work with children and youth, you can help them develop the building blocks of financial capability—at school, at home, and in the community. CFPB's tools and resources can help you teach financial literacy across the curriculum, even if you’re new to the topic.

Introducing the CFPB Money Monsters!

The Money Monsters are a group of creatures who are new to our universe. That means they need to learn about many important things like school, friendship, and financial literacy.


Mandated Reporter Responsibilites

EVERYONE in NH is a Mandated Reporter. 

Learn the Signs of neglect, physical, and sexual abuse to identify a child victim and understand your responsibility as a mandated reporter. Whether you prefer an in-person presentation, workshop, or online training, New Hampshire's Child Advocacy Center's Know & Tell offer a variety of education programs to provide in-depth information on your responsibility to report suspected child abuse, contact us today at 603-864-0216 or request a training session here.

Telehealth Privacy and Security Tips

Using video apps and other technologies for telehealth can create risks to the privacy and security of your health information. This can include when you are accessing telehealth services on a website, through an app, or even through a patient portal. Consider these tips to protect and secure your health information.

Free Borrowing from USNH Libraries for NH Residents

Exciting news for New Hampshire library lovers—the University System of New Hampshire libraries are now offering free borrowing services to all NH residents! The libraries included in this program are UNH Durham and Manchester campuses, Plymouth State and Keene State. 

“We welcome visitors to our campus libraries, and now we are extending free loans of books and other physical objects to Granite State residents. We hope more people will take advantage of the wealth of information available at our public college and university libraries across the state,” says Tara Lynn Fulton, Dean of the UNH Library.

Whether you want to visit, browse the stacks, or request a free borrower’s card, here are 5 things you should know before you start borrowing.



PaintNPlay from the National Gallery of Art

Video of the short zoom informational

Website: (without right side options) 

Please send feedback to John Gordy at


This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the New Hampshire State Library.