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Social, Emotional and Mindful Learning


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Peace Packs

14 new and refurbished Peace Packs are now available for circulation. See the Library of Things page for more info.

Mindful Me Curriculum Pack

Now Available for extended circulation periods. Contact Deborah Dutcher. 

The 4-H Primary Mindfulness Curriculum Guide for peer reviewed Mindful Me program. The Mindful Me curriculum was designed to help facilitate youth's social-emotional development. 

Mindful Me utilizes the 'teens as teachers' (TAT) approach and children's literature, modeled after best practices in the field of positive youth development, to deliver programming to 5-8 year olds. The TAT approach provides adolescents with the opportunity for individual growth and meaningful contribution. The overall program aims to promote mindful practices that lead to improvements in managing one's goals, developing a sense of self, time management, stress management, emotional regulation, and mindful eating practices. 

Mindful Me incorporates the Essential Elements of youth development: belonging, mastery, independence and generosity. Through Mindful Me, youth are encouraged to build positive relationships through expressing care, concern and gratitude for others (belonging), build beliefs in oneself (mastery), practice self-discipline, self-control, and self-reflection (independence), and serve others. 

Included in the pack:

Food Group Book Set

The Sour Grape - Forgiveness & Compassion

The Cool Bean - Self-Esteem

The Smart Cookie - Confidence

The Couch Potato - Self-Management

The Bad Seed - Self-Acceptance

The Good Egg - Self-Care

Gizmo's Pawesome Guide to Mental Health

To host a virtual or in person reading or obtain resources contact:
Shamara Simpson - Director at the NH-ME American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Rick Alleva - Education, Training, Consultation in Positive Youth Development, Social-Emotional-Mindful Learning


American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: ​

Jenifer Strauss - Characters with Characters: Enriching Storytimes with Social Emotional Awareness & Skills

Virtual Webinar for Youth Librarians held February 10, 2022

Join Storyteller, Speaker and Narrative Coach, Jenifer Strauss for an interactive webinar for Youth Librarians focused on enriching the Storytime experience with stories, songs and activities that increase social-emotional awareness and skills for your youngest patrons and their parents/caregivers.
In this webinar, you will learn how to build a well-balanced Storytime that combines the Five Ready-to-Read Practices with social-emotional topics like friendship, kindness, respect, good manners and self-care. Participants will leave the webinar with a plethora of “use-right-away” ideas and a Storytime Template for planning future theme-based Storytime’s.


Magazines of Interest

Thousands of magazines are available through NH Overdrive. Here are a few new ones:

Foughtism magazine is perfect for children with autism to develop their social skills, build vocabulary, stay focused, answer questions and keep them busy and entertained while they learn.

ADHDEFG magazine dives into fun and positive activities you and your child can do together—often in just a few minutes—to help develop and reinforce the gifts of ADHD.

The Brain Train features Logic Games, Phonics, Reading, Spelling, Math, and Art Activities for children with Dyslexia Activities are designed to improve Critical Thinking, Reading, Spelling, Math, and Visual-Spatial skills.

Mirador Magazine is an ad-free, leisure-oriented publication created for the enjoyment of people experiencing cognitive change.

Trauma Resources

Books for young children: (including videos on youtube to listen to the author read them and do all the different animal voices)

Books for adults working with children:

“Childhood Disrupted”

Osofsky, J.D. (Ed) (2011) Clinical Work with Traumatized Young Children. New York: Guilford Publishers.

Osofsky, J.D., Stepka, P., & King, L.C. (2017). Treating Infants and Young Children Impacted by Trauma: Interventions That Promote Healthy Development . Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Website resources (some of which have additional links embedded for more resources):

Resources on Trauma for Caregivers and Families - Child Welfare Information Gateway

Emergency preparedness and response toolkits that are aimed at different early childhood sectors, including: 

  • Emergency Response Toolkit for Early Childhood Educators (the original version)
  • Emergency Preparedness Toolkit: An Early Relational Approach Home Visitor-Edition (newest release)

You can find the toolkits and other information, including videos on how to utilize the toolkit resources at


Harden, B. J. (2015). Services for Families of Infants and Toddlers Experiencing Trauma: A Research-to-Practice Brief. Brief prepared for the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2014). SAMHSA's Concept of Trauma and Guidance for a Trauma-Informed Approach. Rockville, MD: HHS Publication No. (SMA) 14-4884, 2014: 9. And:

This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the New Hampshire State Library.