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New Hampshire Downloadable Books: Advantage

Library-members of the New Hampshire Downloadable Books consortium can purchase additional copies, titles, and databases by becoming Advantage members. Those libraries interested in doing so can contact our OverDrive rep to get started. 

Find rep information in the OverDrive Marketplace >> Support tab. 

Advantage Information


What is Advantage content?

When individual NHDB member libraries purchase additional titles/copies for their patrons, this is Advantage content. 

Why do some member libraries purchase Advantage content? 

Most libraries purchase additional copies of high-demand best sellers to bring down the hold ratios and wait times. 

While this works well to satisfy immediate patron demand, the licensing can be problematic when the statewide licensing expires and the Advantage content has not yet expired. In these cases, your library may be asked to share the copies purchased for your patrons. This allows the NHDB to invest in newer titles rather than in the older content. 

Instructions: Enabling Advantage Plus and Manually Sharing Content with Statewide Collection


Unlike RB, OverDrive does not require a signed order form to renew or purchase Universal Class. Orders are simply processed through our Marketplace website.

To renew Universal Class, you can go to your Databases and Streaming Media Tab under the SHOP menu, select Universal Class, and click on “Purchase Subscription.” Please make sure to check each box in the subsequent page and select “complete purchase.”

  • Databases and Streaming Media Tab


  • Scroll down and select the Universal Class title... 


  • Select the “Purchase Subscription” green tile in the top-right corner of the page
  • Check each box, select a payment method, and complete your purchase. (Note the pricing shown below is just an example.)


To get the statistics from your library's Advantage account...

  • Log into Content Reserve with your "..adv..." account -- not the "...lib..." account
  • Insights >> Checkouts
  • “Run new report”
  • Be sure to set "Period Type" to "Specific."
  • Enter start date of 1 July 2021.
  • Enter end date of 30 June 2022.
  • Checkout by format
  • Advantage Checkouts: “Show all checkouts on my Advantage users on my Advantage-owned titles*” 



The 'Show all checkouts on Advantage-owned titles ' are all of the Advantage titles owned. The 'Show only checkouts by my Advantage users on my Advantage-owned titles' are the Advantage titles owned only by the particular library.

Additional services and databases purchased through the OverDrive Marketplace by Advantage libraries are found in the "Extras" section of the Libby app or in the website. 

Libby Extras



  1. Go to OverDrive Marketplace
  2. Go to Insights
  3. Click on the Title Status and Usage Report
  4. Make sure the date is set to Specific and the fields are empty
  5. Click the Advantage titles only button at the bottom of the report
  6. Run the report
  7. Sort “Adv Plus Shared” column by descending

All the titles with at least a 1 will be your shared materials! Please make sure that all other fields are set to default so that no other parameters are selected. Just let me know if you have any questions.

This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the New Hampshire State Library.