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Digitization for Librarians

How NHSL Supports Digitization Efforts

The New Hampshire State Library supports digitization efforts through the following activities in its 5 Year Plan goals: 

  • Activity 1.8: Collect, curate, and protect historic NH printed materials, including through participation in digitization and microfilming projects to support the preservation of knowledge in multiple formats for increased public access. 
  • Activity 3.1: Partner with libraries and other local/national organizations to support the infrastructure and development of local projects for the digitization and technological sharing of collections and information 

NH Library Archives Collaborative

Purpose & Scope 

The New Hampshire Library Archives Collaborative will allow the New Hampshire State Library and the state’s public libraries to document and preserve the events of their communities during the COVID-19 crisis for future generations and provide digital access to important historical items, such as records and photos relevant to the town history, by the public during a time of increased digital needs. Preserving the extraordinary events of this year and increasing accessibility to our state’s history benefits all New Hampshire residents today and in the future.

Definitions The hosted version of Omeka, a platform for managing and sharing digital collections.


New Hampshire Library Archives is a collaborative statewide initiative with the dual purpose of documenting life in New Hampshire during the COVID-19 crisis for future generations and providing digital access to important historical items held by libraries or community members. New Hampshire public libraries are invited to participate with the NH State Library by contributing to a statewide site with collected and shared stories, images, and other items from their communities about the COVID-19 crisis. New Hampshire public libraries are also invited to create an site to share digitized historical content in the form of photos, records, documents, etc. owned by the library or in participation with their community members and organizations. New Hampshire State Library commits to funding the sites for a period of two years (December 2022). Continued funding will be based upon the availability of funds from LSTA or community contributions. Benefits Preserving the extraordinary events of this year and increasing accessibility to our state’s history benefits all New Hampshire residents today and in the future.


The “Platinum” platform is limited to 50GB of storage. An additional 50GB of storage capacity can be purchased at $500/year.

While the platform increases accessibility to digital objects, it does not serve as a preservation platform. Librarians are strongly encouraged to develop preservation strategies, including maintaining copies of their metadata and digital objects in multiple secure locations.

The New Hampshire State Library will:
  • Provide two years of funding for the Platinum plan.
  • Provide training and technical assistance to New Hampshire librarians.
  • Maintain a list of participating libraries and their sites.
  • Coordinate and share training materials and guidelines.
  • Provide a logo for libraries to place at their site to reflect the federal funds that support the project. Wording provided is optional.
Participating libraries will:
  • Ensure that current COVID-related content documenting the impact on their community is directed to a statewide and/or regional site.
  • Libraries who anticipate larger quantities of COVID-related content can request a stand-alone site, but they are encouraged to share their content with the statewide or regional sites.
  • Add historical content in the form of pictures, records, documents, oral histories, etc. to the library’s site.
  • Abide by copyright law:
    • Obtain the necessary releases and permissions for oral histories;
    • Obtain a Reproduction Permission Form from community donors for use of their images; providing a copyright statement for each item in the collection.
    • Display a Takedown Policy on the site and provide an actively monitored email address to accept such requests.
  • Follow standard metadata rules as outlined in the New Hampshire Digital Library documentation.
  • Assign a project lead to be in charge of the site at a local level and to participate in statewide discussions and email communications.
  • Help to share and promote the New Hampshire Library Archives project.
Participation Agreement:

Tutorial: Introduction to Creating Metadata:

Tutorial for Creating Metadata and Importing the Metadata to 

Oral History Release Form:

Reproduction Permission Form:

This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the New Hampshire State Library.